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Kacy Phan

SwiftUI Weather App

Languages, Frameworks, & Libraries Used

SF Symbols

Project Overview

Feature displays the current city name Shows the main weather status with an appropriate weather icon Displays the temperature in degrees Fahrenheit Shows the weather forecast for the next five days Toggle between day and night mode Change the day time by tapping the "Change Day Time" button


The app is implemented using SwiftUI, Apple's declarative framework for building user interfaces. It consists of the following components:

ContentView: The main view of the app, responsible for displaying the weather information and providing the user interface elements.

WeatherDayView: A view that displays the weather information for a specific day, including the day of the week, weather icon, and temperature.

BackgroundView: A view that provides the background gradient for the app, with colors changing based on day or night mode.

CityTextView: A view that displays the name of the city.

MainWeatherStatusView: A view that shows the main weather status, including an appropriate weather icon and the current temperature.

WeatherButton: A custom button view that can be used to trigger actions.
